Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot Wiki

Care-a-Lot, It is the main place where all the Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot events take place. Is too big, has too many places and others mentioned. Most of them live in the main care bears in their respective islands although other bears appear and it is not known in which part of Care-a-Lot they live. Also live many kinds of animals similar to those that live on Earth and beasts.

Come back in Care Bears & Cousins without any changes, although Share Bear begins to have its own Shack in the Forest of Feelings.


Care-a-Lot is mostly occupied by forests, it has too much grass that covers most areas. The fauna here is inhabited by different animals while the flora differs in the different territories. To go to different islands in the series it is shown that they use a Gondola (similar to a cable car) guided by a rainbow to different destinations you want.

Houses and structures[]

Places and islands[]

  • Isle of Music
  • Enchanted Forest
  • Adventure Beach
  • Forest of Feelings
  • Moody Mountains

Notable residents[]


  • Apparently several places in Care-a-Lot are in the clouds, like The Lighthouse, but others seem to be on land or on an island like Adventure Beach.
  • It is not known if Care-a-Lot is the only place where bears live, several characters mention some other places where other bears live.
  • Care-a-Lot is probably mainly at The Lighthouse, because it is the main place where it is called.
  • Care-a-Lot was founded by Benneferre, who was the first bear to discover the place.